I totally lost it. I screamed at my kids. I’m not kidding-sca-reamed! I just wanted to do one little errand, just one. That’s not asking too much, right? I told them that if they were good, I’d pick up some McDonald’s on the way home. Did it work? Nope.
We went to Michael’s to pick up some mat board for picture frames. We were in the store for less than 10 minutes. I asked the boys numerous times to not run. What did they do? They ran. They chased each other down one aisle and back up another. Several times. I really didn’t want to create a scene in the store, so I ignored them, bought my mat board (at least I got that done), and stormed out. No, I didn’t leave them behind! I’m not that terrible! We got in the car, and I started to scream. My throat is still sore.
I can’t believe I’m admitting this to all of you. At least there aren’t that many out there who read this! It’s not the first time that we’ve had problems like this. I need to do errands. I have to take them with me most of the time. Is it really too much to ask that they listen, follow directions, and not act like a pair of wild animals while we’re in a store? (According to Noah, if I say “please” they’ll listen to me. If I hadn’t been so pissed off when he said this, I may have laughed.) I’m still trying to figure out where I went wrong. Not just today. Any time that we’ve had this problem. What am I doing wrong? It’s so frustrating.