
March 2008

I’m in love with my windows!

If it were warmer outside than the 19 degrees or so that it is, I think I’d have every one of my windows open and tipped to the position for cleaning. Not to actually clean them, but just ‘cuz I can! Or maybe I’d have them just cracked open with the little locks out so […]


That’s what I thought when, at 7:55 this morning, I saw the big box truck backing into my driveway. Our windows are here! My house is all out of sorts, I can’t watch my DVR, my kids can’t figure out what to do, but it’s all for good reason. We’re getting our windows!  And […]

The perfect ending…

…to a not-so-perfect day.

I just got back from dinner at North Star American Bistro with a crew of friends from high school. Yes, I’m still very good friends with a decent number of people from high school. It probably helps that a bunch of us married “incestuously” by marrying people from high school, myself […]

I’m melting…melting…

Our snowman carnage in our front yard:

You’d think this means it’s warm outside. Not so much.


I had my Wildtree party tonight, and there were 7 people that attended (including the Wildtree rep, my friend, Jamie). Not a big showing, but nice. And very tasty. Here’s what we had to eat:

Beer bread Garlic & Herb Blend (mixed with cream cheese) with pretzels Carol’s Cranberry Horseradish Blend (mixed with cream cheese) […]

Lousy household chores…

…with results I love:

Sweeping-a pain to do it (sweeping under the table, moving chairs…), but I love that I can walk in my socks and not feel little gritty things for at least 4 hours after sweeping! Â Grocery shopping-I hate putting everything on the conveyor belt, waiting to get my bags packed, unloading […]

The week ahead

I’m going to list the craziness of what I need to do for the week (I’ll spare you the minutiae of daily basics):

Monday: Call the window installers to change the install date Call the bank to start our financing for the windows Work 10-6:30 (after dropping both boys off at their respective schools) Prepare […]

Taking another shot

NaBloPoMo is starting up again, monthly this time, with themes each month. This month, the theme is “Lists”, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

These are the highlights of my day (chronologically):

Watching “Survivor” on DVR before everyone else got up this morning Making gingerbread pancakes with the boys Talking to my friend […]