Andy and I just got back from a Milwaukee Admirals game. It was a Quad/Tech thing-sort of a “last hurrah” for Andy as this was his last day as a manufacturing engineer before starting Monday as the Outsourcing Coordinator. One of his co-workers is pretty miffed that Andy took this new position, but Andy didn’t get heckled as much as I thought he might!
Anyway, I finally got around to picking up the newspaper and mail from today, and I have too many options of things to read! Here are my choices:
- The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Front page/section
- Waukesha section
- Cue section (all things entertainment)
- Comics/Dear Abby/Horoscope/Sudoku/Crossword
- Milwaukee Magazine (we’re really not that “Milwaukee-centric.” Quad/Graphics publishes this magazine and it’s free to employees.)
- Parents Magazine
- People Magazine
All of these things came in the mail today! It’s an exciting day around here!