
February 2008

Snow fun

Well, I think we’ve weathered the worst of it, but it’s still coming down.

We were in the process of deciding whether to brave the roads to get downtown to the Lion King when we were notified that it was canceled. Yipeeeee! Because Andy had already decided he didn’t want Noah going out in a car in the weather, and I was really bummed. The people who had been out driving in it (Andy and his parents) were trying to talk some sense into those of us who hadn’t been driving in it (myself, and my parents). My feeling was that if the show were still going to happen, I was going to be there, come Hell or high water-or snow drifts in this case!

Now that the show has been canceled, they’re allowing those of us with tickets to exchange them for another show on a Tuesday or Wednesday night. Right now, they only have the seats in the top balcony or the side mezzanine available. No thanks! Tomorrow morning, they’re releasing the “emergency tickets” or something like that, so I’ll be working my magic tomorrow, trying to get some good seats. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out some pictures from our stint outside. I can’t believe the boys stayed out there as long as they did! It was really windy at times, and the snow just stung your face! But it was fun! It should be even better tomorrow! Click on either picture to get to my Flickr page to see a few other pics!

snowy boys1
the boys in the driveway

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