Today, I fill in the blank with “snow”. Last week, I would have filled in the blank with “cold”. I could also add the word “wind” to either day. In about six months, I’ll be using the word “humidity”-but actually humidity works wonders on my hair! Anyway, I can pretty much find anything to complain about when it comes to the weather.
It’s the storm of the season! We’re holed up in our house, waiting for the 14+ inches of snow to fall today. This is the second Wednesday in a row that school has been canceled. It’s also the second Pajama Day at school that’s been canceled. So we’re having Pajama Day here at home. It doesn’t look like it’s snowing all that hard, but it hasn’t stopped since I woke up this morning. And it’s not supposed to stop for a few more hours. When will winter end?!?!?!?!
To top it all off, we have tickets to the Lion King tonight downtown. Downtown Milwaukee, where they’re predicting 20 inches of snow before it’s all said and done. But we’re going to the show. Andy, Noah and I will leave at 4:00 if it means we’ll make the 7:30 curtain time. Because I will not miss this show. This show is the reason I got the season tickets to begin with!
So enjoy some pictures I took out my front door. I didn’t feel like bundling up to fully brave the elements. Besides, I don’t want to ruin my camera! I’m just bummed I missed my chance at a picture of my crazy neighbors returning from a BIKE RIDE! Yep, it’s true. I saw it with my own two eyes!
I’m a little creeped out to find a snowman in my front lawn. I know it wasn’t there when I went to bed last night. I’m desperately hoping Andy built this when he was out clearing the driveway this morning. I can’t get a hold of him at work…
Just like Callie, prancing along in snow that’s almost too deep for her little legs! But the owners are out for a leisurely walk, not a potty mission!
Not the best perspective out the front door, but I’m trying to show how deep the snow is already, with much more predicted! It’s almost to the height of our front step! And I think the seat of the chair will be buried by the end of the day!
With the wind, it’s making the snow stick all over vertical areas, like the side of the house and our screens.
It is a little strange to have a phantom snowman in your yard. Would Andy really take the time to do that in the morning without the boys?!?
Mystery solved-Andy DID build the snowman this morning!