I figured I could post some pictures from our weekend. Here’s a sampling:
 This is the front door to their house. This picture doesn’t do the house any justice. It’s beautiful inside! Craftsman/Frank Lloyd Wright influences throughout. And windows galore! It’s amazing!
 The kids played Wii quite a bit. Noah beat his two 5-year-old cousins in Cow Racing, twice each. I’m so proud!
 Dinner was served buffet style, but we were all able to sit at one table. I love that.
 There really wasn’t any shortage of things to keep the kids entertained: air hockey, foosball, a “multicade” where we introduced Noah to Frogger and Pac-Man, a pinball machine, and toys, toys, toys!
 This is Colette, aka Coco, my goddaughter. She’s 5. She’s hilarious. And adorable.
We really had a good time, despite the chaos. And the long drive could definitely have been worse. Although it would have been nice if the boys had fallen asleep on the way home before getting to Madison. That’s only an hour away from home. And it was a 6.5 hour trip! Ah well.