For Noah’s 4th birthday, we got him a kiddie camera. He has been having a really good time with it ever since. It’s not anything really fancy, but it takes decent pictures.
Here’s a sampling:
The upside-down picture of Caden is actually a self-portrait-he tends to hold the camera upside-down! The picture of Noah is also a self-portrait-very serious!
And as you all can see, we now have our Christmas tree up in our living room. It’s undecorated (it’s pre-lit), but it’s there nonetheless. Caden got up from his nap and said, “Santa tree!”
you couldn’t wait until after thanksgiving?
Noah–you are getting good with that camera!
Love, Nana and Boppa
You should set Noah up with a Flickr account. His account could be “hipityhopboy”