Here’s the 2005 Camry that has been my transportation for the past 3 years. About 4 months after we got it (on lease), I cracked the rear bumper trying to get out of a parallel parking spot. When I asked my father-in-law (our car guru) what to do about it, he suggested we turn it in “on a rainy day.” Thankfully, we (read: the car guru) were able to work some magic and have the dealership take my car in on trade (sort of), and they assumed responsibility for making the last payment, fixing the bumper, and putting new tires on it (which I should have done about a year ago!). And that’s how we ended up with this…
I am affectionately calling this my “Mommy-mobile.” Yep, I’m driving a minivan. It is very shiny and new, with less than 225 miles on it! I’m debating making the boys take off their shoes before they can get in! I love the power sliding doors, though I haven’t had a lot of chances to play with them since we got the car last night at 6:30, and I had to work all day today. But the possibilities are endless!
So, if anyone wants a ride somewhere, and doesn’t mind listening to “Miss Laurie” (Laurie Berkner) with the boys in the car, hop on in! I’ve got all sorts of room now!
I guess you get to drive us all to the zoo now!! 🙂
What? Have they gotten bored by Mathy’s cds? [sigh]
heh. Congrats on the new wheels.
i am actually jealous. it is sooo beautiful and i miss my minivan. and you have obviously accepted the inevitability. enjoy your “mommy-mobile. you will fit right in with all the other moms at pre-school.