
October 2024

Noah the Leprechaun

Noah wrote a story at school, and it’s too great not to share it. I’m writing it verbatim, spelling and all.

“Noah liked to be a leprechaun, but there was one probloem, he didn’t know he was a leprechaun! Then he recagnized something, well…that looked like gold! Gold! he screamed! It’s here! It was sent by his uncle Franky. It was so awesome and he put it on his night-stand. It looked perfect! He was so happy! So were his friends and his family! And every night he takes a piece of gold from the pot, and then he whent to Target and got every Lego set in the wole world! And built them in 2 hours! The End. By Noah H.”

I love it!

I Heart Faces::Sun flare

The challenge this week over at I Heart Faces is “Sun Flare”. I love sun flare! And I love that I know how to capture some!

Today was a gorgeous, sunny day, though still a little chilly. Noah went to a birthday party and got a “lightsaber” bubble wand that he wanted to try out when he got home. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try out some sun flare shots. Here’s my favorite:

Bubble sun flare

Here are the other entries!

You Capture::Technology


It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a You Capture. I really need to get back into it. I miss it! And I need to have some fun with my camera again. I’ve got this new camera, and I’m not experimenting as much as I should. I’m just so EXHAUSTED from my early morning Boot Camp, and work, and family, and everything. Okay, here we go.

I took this shot out my bathroom window of the sunrise. We get some pretty gorgeous sunrises around here, but they’re hard to see at our house unless you’re on the second floor. I consider this technology because I used the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone (which is not used as a phone but more like an iPod Touch. I have an Android based cell phone…). Anyhoo, I really like this shot-the texture from the window screen and the dreamyness of the picture.


And here’s multi-tasking at it’s best. My laptop (reading a new post by Beth on my Google Reader), my iPhone and my HTC Desire both showing my Words With Friends games. It works so much better on my iPhone, but I’m glad to have it on my Desire so I can play anytime, and not just with Wi-Fi. Anyone out there want to play with me?


Ah, that feels better. I’ll really try to keep up a bit more! And I’ll work on getting my camera out more!

Joy of Love::6/28 and 7/28

The ones they love

The ones they love

Andy loves his boys, and his Green Bay Packers-especially after a Superbowl win!!!




Three generations of H-family men. Can you see any family resemblance?

Joy of Love::5/28

Love to hate

5-28: love to hate

I love my boys so much. But I HATE the mess! We are constantly telling them to clean up the living room. Usually there are Lego pieces all over the floor, courtesy of Caden. (He likes to play with the “guys”.) Well, they’ve apparently decided that as long as the toys are on the play table, the living room is clean. I suppose…

Joy of Love::4/28

What they wear

What they wear

At Andy’s company, they wear “blues”. Everyone wears a navy blue top and blue pants. (Andy’s got a few polos of different colors, but these are from special projects he works on from time to time.) Their tops are embroidered with the company logo with their name underneath. Everyone wears this, from the lowest man on the totem pole to the head honcho. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. (Except this week when everyone has been able to wear Packers gear!)

Joy of Love::3/28

Then and now.

Then and now

Yes, we were high school sweethearts. Yes, that’s our prom picture. Yes, Andy had long hair in high school. Yes, he had hair at all!

You Capture::Red


This should have been an easy assignment. We are red people around here. We have a red wall in our living room. We have tons of red clothing seeing as we’re Badger fans. But I’ve taken pictures of a lot of that stuff before.

I figured I’d show off my latest sewing project. I got a new camera, so it was time for a new camera strap. I made this cover for my strap. I LOVE the green fabric, and the red contrast is quite nice, if I may say so myself!

New camera strap

Since we’re big Badger fans around here, naturally there would be some Badger red, like Noah’s hat.

Snowy Noah

And finally, here are some red flowers that I have in a great red vase in our living room. I love cherry blossoms! (Please ignore the dust on the flowers. Those are hard to dust!)

Red flowers

Joy of Love::1/28 and 2/28

I’ve decided to participate in Kelly Willette’s Joy of Love photography workshop. I needed a little something to inspire me to think a little more creatively with my photography. Each day, Kelly gives us a new prompt or assignment to go out and capture, using a loved one as the subject. Needless to say, you’ll be seeing a lot of my boys around here for the next 28 days!

Day 1::What they do
What they do
Yes, the boys play Wii. And Caden sticks his tongue out when he’s concentrating.

Day 2::How they look
Morning snuggle
This is how Caden looks in the morning when he comes into the bathroom as I’m getting ready, still sleepy, snuggling with his Big Blue Blankie.

Stay tuned for the next 26 days!

Snowpocalypse Part 2

After I headed to work today, braving some icky roads, arriving to find the hospital parking lot mostly empty, then heading home finding the roads much easier to navigate, I caught these pictures.

Cool icicles


Snow drift

That's deep

Snow bench


Snow tunnel

Silly Caden

Snow bench


Snowy Noah

Snow waves

Back patio

Deep drift

Really deep drift

Tree swing

Cute boys

Up on the drift